- What is xxe?
- Descripotion: 一篇文章带你深入理解漏洞之 XXE 漏洞 (觉得写的不错诶)
- A simple CTF question
- Description: 一道最简单的题帮你熟悉 XXE
- XXE with No return display
- Description: 无回显实现带外输出
- Bypass by using exotic encodings
- Descripotion: Use UTF-16、UTF-32 and EBCDIC instead of UTF-8 to bypass.
- Bypass by using different encodings
- Description:Use two different encodings to bypass.
- Add: Here are many ways on xxe bypass
- Chinese Translation: 那个是英文版的,发现了中文版
Link Sharing¶
XXE that can Bypass WAF Protection